JN Traditional Feathered Star Border-L06224
JN Trifari Jewels-L05187
JN Trifari Jewels_Center Star-L05194
JN Trifari Jewels_Inner Border and Corner Coils_L05189
JN Trifari Jewels_Inner Star Point_Background_p2p-L05193
JN Trifari Jewels_Outer Border-L05188
JN Trifari Jewels_Outer Star Point_Background Feathers_p2p-L05191
JN Trifari Jewels_Outer Star Point_Spikes_p2p-L05192
JN Trifari Jewels_Point Background-L05190
JN Uncharted Waters_Background-L05698
JN Uncharted Waters_Center Star-L05700
JN Uncharted Waters_Diamond Background-L05701
JN Uncharted Waters_Flying Geese Inner and Outer Backgrounds-L05704
JN Uncharted Waters_Hidden Points-L05699
JN Uncharted Waters_Inner Border-L05697
JN Uncharted Waters_Inner Diamond Points and Triangles-L05702
JN Uncharted Waters_Outer Border and Corner-L05696
JN Uncharted Waters_Pine Needle Star Border-L05705
JN Uncharted Waters_set-L05695
JN Uncharted Waters_Triple Circles and Stacked Circles-L05703