Judys Vintage Rose Center Petal Fill-L03045*
Judys Vintage Rose Center Set-L03041*
Judys Vintage Rose Center-L03044*
Judys Vintage Rose Diamond Fill Half-L03047*
Judys Vintage Rose Fan Feathers and p2p-L03053*
Judys Vintage Rose Fan Point-L03054*
Judys Vintage Rose Inner Petal Circles and Mirror-L03055*
Judys Vintage Rose Inner Petal Feathers-L03048*
Judys Vintage Rose Inner Petal Points and Mirror-L03056*
Judys Vintage Rose Inner Point Fill-L03051*
Judys Vintage Rose Leaf Arc and p2p-L03050*
Judys Vintage Rose Lower Geese Arc-L03057*
Judys Vintage Rose Lower Petal Feathers Left and Right and p2p-L03058*
Judys Vintage Rose Outer Point Fill and Inner Point Fill p2p-L03052*
Judys Vintage Rose Petal Point Fill-L03049*
Judys Vintage Rose Queen Extension Bead and Line Border and Corner and p2p-L03060*
Judys Vintage Rose Queen Extension Bead and Line Fill A and B-L03061*
Judys Vintage Rose Queen Extension Circle Border and Corner p2p-L03066*
Judys Vintage Rose Queen Extension Corner Points-L03287*
Judys Vintage Rose Queen Extension Feather Border and Corner p2p-L03065*
New Products For January - Designs for Judy Niemeyer Quilts