Holly Border and Corner-L02532*
Holly Narrow Border-L02531*
Houndstooth border and corner-L00642
In a Pickle Border and Corner-L02018*
Inner Light Feather and Bead Corner-L01651*
Inner Light Narrow Feather Border and Corner-L01657*
Irish Chain Feathers Border and Corner-L00267*
Jane Judd Feather Border and Corner-L05528
Jans Feather Border and Corner 1-L05082*
Jans Feather Border and Corner 2-L05083*
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Outer Border and Corner-L05136
JDJ When Summer Ends Border and Corner 1-L04626*
JDJ When Summer Ends Border and Corner 2A and 2B-L04625*
Jennis Feather Corner_1-L00765
Jennis Feather Corner_2-L00766
Jennis Feather Corner_3-L00767
Jennis Scrolls Border and Corner-L02825*
JM Maritime 3 Inch Feather_Border and Corner-L05663
New Products For January - Borders And Corners