JDJ Chasing Dreams_Background Feathers-L05139
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Bubble and Star_cornerstone_l05137
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Center background-L05144
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Narrow Point_Base-L05143
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Narrow Point_p2p-L05142
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Outer Border and Corner-L05136
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Outer Point fill_p2p-L05138
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Ring Feather Curl and Pearl-L05140
JDJ Chasing Dreams_set-L05135
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Star Background_p2p-L05165
JDJ Chasing Dreams_Wide Point_p2p-L05141
JDJ Midnight Stars_Background Feathers-L05574
New Products For September - Designs for Jacqueline de Jonge quilts