Looped Triangle p2p 11-L02193*
Looped Triangle p2p 12-L02194*
Looped Triangle p2p 2-L02184*
Looped Triangle p2p 3-L02185*
Looped Triangle p2p 4-L02186*
Looped Triangle p2p 5-L02187*
Looped Triangle p2p 6-L02188*
Looped Triangle p2p 7-L02189*
Looped Triangle p2p 8-L02190*
Looped Triangle p2p 9-L02191
Looped Triangle p2p Set-L02195*
Loops and Hearts meander-L00735
Loops and Stars Meander 2-L05088*
Loops and Stars-L02056*
Loops up and Down p2p Border-L02613*
Loris Stretched Hexagon Feathers-L05560
Loris Stretched Hexagon_Beaded Crosshatch-L05561
Lost Leaf p2p-L02923*
Lotus Blossom_border and corner-L00433
Louises Posies Border and Corner-L05042*