Judys DPD Inner Fan Points-L04264*
Judys DPD Inner Fan Swirls-L04274*
Judys DPD Inner Petal Background C-L04265*
Judys DPD inner petal background_A-L04253
Judys DPD inner petal background_B-L04254*
Judys DPD Inner Petal Spine Spikes-L04266*
Judys DPD Large point blade curls-L04271*
Judys DPD Large Point Blade Lines-L04249*
Judys DPD Large Point Close Lines-L04273*
Judys DPD Large Point Feathers-L04267*
Judys DPD Large Point Leaves-L04276*
Judys DPD Outer Petal Center Blades-L04308*
Judys DPD Outer Petal Center Pointed Leaves-L04268*
Judys DPD Outer petal tip blades-L04283
Judys DPD Outer Petal Tip Feathers-L04248*
Judys DPD point and bead_p2p-L04318*
Judys DPD point and three beads_p2p-L04319*
Judys DPD point flame_p2p-L04320*
Judys DPD Q Bead and Line_Fan Background-L04277*
Judys DPD Q Circle Feathers and Pearls-L04270*
New Products For March - Designs for Judy Niemeyer Quilts